One Deep Breath At a Time

It has been several months since my last post. Once or twice I sat down to write and I was so overwhelmed I couldn’t organize anything or get it out.

My life has changed so drastically since I last wrote; The most important change being that I lost two of the most important people in my life at the same time. One was my closest friend and confidante who passed away in her sleep from an unknown cause, the other was the love of my life.

I have battled a myriad of emotions on a daily basis and I continue to struggle with finding peace and understanding in it all. Today I went to church for the first time in months. My prayer has been and will continue to be that I keep my focus 100% on Christ and that by truly searching His words and His guidance that peace will come to me. My heart has been broken for so long now sometimes I wonder if it can ever be made whole again…

So I hold on to Christ’s promises and I ask that He hold me in His arms and lift me up. And I try to find joy in the memories and the small things I experience each day. I look for the positive and try to push away negativity and hurtful thoughts, while also praying for everyone I come into contact with, that I can be positive towards them in some way and that whatever influence I have is uplifting and Christ-centered.

And meanwhile I just take each day, each hour, each minute…one deep breath at a time.